Are We at Risk of a Grid Shutdown in 2024!?

Residential home with Solar Installation
Local Solar News
June 2024

Are We at Risk of a Grid Shutdown in 2024?

Don't Be Caught in the Dark: Prepare Now for the Uncertain Future

Remember Hurricane Ian? We definitely do... The feeling of helplessness as the power went out, leaving you stranded in the suffocating heat? Days turned into nights of worry as food spoiled and the reality of the situation settled in. Now, imagine that scenario stretching on for weeks or even months. That's the potential fallout of a widespread grid shutdown, an unnerving possibility that experts like Joe Rogan and Patrick Bet David are talking about on their podcasts. Think about it: no ATMs, no grocery store checkouts, dwindling cash reserves in a society that runs on digital currency. That's potentially our future unless we start preparing now.

Mark Zuckerberg and other billionaires and millionaires aren't waiting, maybe they know something we don't? They're building bunkers and investing in self-sufficient homes, ensuring their families are protected.  But what about you – your home, your loved ones?

A recent report by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) highlights several concerning trends, including:

- Aging infrastructure: Nearly 70% of the US power grid's transformers are over 25 years old, exceeding their projected lifespan and increasing the risk of failures

- Cyberattacks: The grid is a prime target for cyberattacks, with a successful attack potentially causing widespread blackouts. According to a 2021 report by the US Department of Energy, there were over 100 cyber incidents targeting the US energy sector in 2020 alone.

- Solar flares: While rare, powerful solar flares can disrupt the Earth's magnetic field, inducing harmful electric currents in power grids and potentially causing widespread blackouts.

- Geopolitical events: The current global climate of uncertainty and rising tensions creates unforeseen possibilities that could impact critical infrastructure like the power grid.

While the exact likelihood of a grid shutdown in 2024 might be up for debate, the risks are real and growing. The vulnerabilities of our centralized power system are becoming increasingly apparent.  All these possibilities pose a risk to the fragile web of power lines we rely on.

The fragility of our national power grid is no secret. Extreme weather events like the Texas freeze and California wildfires have exposed its vulnerabilities, leaving millions in the dark and scrambling for basic necessities. The aging infrastructure, much of it decades old, struggles to keep pace with increasing demands, further amplifying the risk of widespread outages.

Preparedness isn't just about stockpiling supplies. It's about shifting your mindset, having a proactive approach to ensure your family's safety and well-being. Here's where you can make a difference:

Home Security Upgrades: In the absence of traditional security systems or law enforcement, your home becomes your castle. Consider these steps:

- Manual Locks and Bars: Invest in reliable manual systems to secure doors and windows.

- Motion-activated Solar Lights: These provide illumination even without grid power, acting as a deterrent for intruders.

- The Second Amendment Option (The FL Special): The ability to defend yourself and your family may become critical in worst-case scenarios. You should exercise your rights responsibly to protect your family and consider training for firearms safety and proficiency.

Financial Readiness & Trade: When digital transactions collapse,  ATMs and credit card machines may not work, those with physical assets and skills will be steps ahead.

- Protecting Assets: Ensure your important financial documents, like insurance policies, deeds, and bank records, are safely stored in a fireproof and waterproof container.

- Cash on Hand:  Keep a reasonable amount of cash and other assets in a secure place in your home. It can be vital for purchasing essentials when electronic transactions are not possible. Experts recommend having enough cash to cover at least several weeks of expenses.

- Precious Metals: Gold and silver have historically held value in times of crisis and can be used as a medium of exchange and barter if needed.

- Stocking Bartering Goods: Items like batteries, fuel, non-perishable foods, water filters, candles, and practical tools become potential commodities in a disrupted economy.

- Skills as Currency: Think beyond material possessions. Can you fix a generator? Provide basic medical care? These skills are invaluable in a world where traditional services are unavailable.

Staying Connected: Communication in a grid-down situation is crucial. A family with a plan is a family that survives!

- A battery-powered or hand-crank radio can be crucial for receiving news and updates from local authorities during a grid shutdown

- Walkie-talkies: For short-range communication with family members or neighbors in close proximity.

- Family Meeting Point: In case of separation, having a designated meeting point provides a plan for getting reunited.

Food Supply: Need to keep your loved ones fed and healthy. You never know how long the outage could last, and what your access to food is like.

- Keep a sizable stock of canned items and non-perishables, might not taste like a nice juicy steak but during an emergency, may keep you alive!

- A green thumb would be a valuable skill. Hydroponics, or even a good backyard garden can add a nice constant fresh food supply

- Shouldn't need to stress the importance of having clean water, perhaps the most important aspect of survival

Other Emergency Supplies

- Stocking Essentials: Ensure you have a supply of medications and other essentials to last at least a week. Consider the needs of all family members, including pets.

- First Aid Kits: Disinfectants, Alcohol for cleaning wounds (and stress relief)

- Emergency Power supply... (read below)

Solar and Battery Systems: More Than Just Savings

Solar Energy

Solar panels and batteries are no longer just about saving on your electricity bill (while that is a nice benefit...). They're about ensuring your home remains powered during emergencies. With advancements in technology, solar energy is more accessible than ever. Think about how useful it would be to have access to power during a prolonged shutdown and how even making a small change to your source of power can not only save you money but give you peace of mind and, in some cases, even save your life.

Battery Storage

Battery storage systems like the Tesla Powerwall, LG Chem, Q Cell, and Enphase, by providing power during grid outages, during the day you will be feeding power to your home that you use, and any excess goes to the battery for charge, and at night you make use of your battery. It's like having your own personal power station. Every home is unique, and so should be your solar and battery system. It's not a one-size-fits-all – it's about finding the right fit for your energy needs and lifestyle, it's important to tailor it for your energy demands. Understand that during emergencies you may have to give up on certain luxuries and comforts like air conditioning or heating as these all have high-energy demands.

Building Community Resilience

Preparing for a grid shutdown isn't just an individual effort; it's about community resilience. Neighborhoods with higher solar and battery adoption can better withstand power outages, creating a support network during emergencies. Begin advocating for local solar community projects, like the one seen in Babcock Ranch. Even just publicly advocating for the adoption of solar energy on local community social media groups can make a significant difference! As homeowners, we can advocate for policies and investments that strengthen our power grid. It's about taking a proactive role in shaping our energy future.

The Bottom Line:

The possibility of a grid shutdown in 2024 is a reminder of the need to be prepared. As solar/home battery experts, we've seen firsthand the difference these systems can make. They're not just a backup plan; they're a step towards a more resilient, sustainable way of living. Don't wait for the lights to go out.

Don't wait for the lights to go out. If you're considering adding solar and battery systems for your home, while also adding a layer of preparedness? Reach out for a consultation or try out our free solar calculator below!


"2022 Long-Term Reliability Assessment," North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC),
"Fourth National Climate Assessment," U.S. Global Change Research Program,
"Quadrennial Energy Review: Transforming the Nation's Energy Sector," U.S. Department of Energy,
" Building a Kit,",
The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast: Episode #2046 w/Brian Redban:: Freaking Out Over the Israel and Hamas Conflict (
Valuetainment Youtube Channel - Patrick Bet David:

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